Emcee Script For Nutrition Month Program

  1. Nutrition Month CelebrationThe Holy Child Educational Center is indeed thankful of this opportunity to. Nutrition Month Celebration script. EXAMPLE PROGRAM FOR EMCEE. “Honor a Veteran”. The emcee needs to begin the program by welcoming everyone and asking everyone to.
  2. Nutrition Month CelebrationThe Holy Child Educational Center is indeed thankful of this opportunity to. Nutrition Month Celebration script. EXAMPLE PROGRAM FOR EMCEE. “Honor a Veteran”. The emcee needs to begin the program by welcoming everyone and asking everyone to.
  3. View Notes - EMCEE SCRIPT.docx from ACCT/FIN 3309 at University of Texas. As we are about to begin, please be seated. Just a few reminders, I would like to seek your cooperation in completing this.
  4. Activities held during the celebration of Nutrition Month in the City of Santa Rosa, Laguna. Emcee - Master of Ceremonies #1 'Secrets to a Great Introduction!' 2015 - Duration: 3:41.
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Emcee Script For Seminar

A script that can be followed for the emcee of an intramural program would include a welcome, opening prayer, announcement of the singing on the anthem, and a call to say the Pledge of Allegiance.


2018 English Language and National Reading Month Celebration


[voice over] Good morning dear students! Please maintain silence and avoid leaving your seats because our program will start in a few minutes. Thank you [pause a while].


[voice over] Once again, we would like to request everyone to please settle down. Our program will start in a few minutes [pause a while].


[voice over] We would like to request everyone to please rise for our Invocation and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and STI Hymn to be led by Musika OrCa.

[voice over] Thank you. You may now be seated.


[together] Good morning STIers!!!

Host A: I’m Margareth Padullo.

Host B: I’m Ian Almelda.

[together] And welcome to the opening program for the 2018 English Language and National Reading Month Celebration!!! [pause after]

Host A: November indeed is a much awaited month for our English language enthusiasts and book lovers.

Emcee Script Sample For Nutrition Month School Program

Host B: I totally agree with you partner. Here at STI, we have but a double celebration. Not only that we celebrate Reading Month, we also celebrate our English Language Month. Isn’t it amazing?

Host A: Indeed, partner. In fact, we are now in the Year Two of such double celebration. While we had a very successful one last year, I must say that our event today promises more learning opportunities for our students.

Host B: And that is because we have decided to engage as well our college students in various student competitions. But before we present our events and competitions, let us welcome first our Senior High School Assistant Principal for his Opening Remarks.

Host A: Once again, let us all welcome with a warm round of applause, Mr. Jhonel C. Domingo.


Host B: Thank you Sir for that meaningful and welcoming message. As said, this month’s celebration theme focuses on the importance of reading in the lifelong learning process.


Host A: That’s right partner. And to give us a Keynote Speech or further insights into the theme, let us all give another round of applause to…

Host B: … our new General Education Program Head, Ms. Cherry L. Rojo!


Host A: Thank you very much Ma’am! We really appreciate your clarity of expression. Once again, this year’s theme for the celebration……..

[together] Reading: Key to a Brighter Future!!!!

Host B: Well, the day is still fresh. And I guess we need something to stir up the mood of the event… something that will activate the electrons and protons of our batteries…

Host A: Let’s give it up for the Bagong Sibol Dance Troupe for an energetic Dance Number!!!


Host A: Wow! What more can I say? That’s totally entertaining! Totally activating! Totally… a world class performance!

Host B: I couldn’t agree more partner. That was a big WOW performance!

Host A: Now that we are all geared up, allow us to present to you the series of events and competitions. Yes, we have a long list of student competitions:



E-Poetry Beyond Text [entries will be streamed all throughout the celebration]

Extemporaneous Speech | 09:00 AM | Multipurpose Hall

Essay Writing | 09:00 AM | Computer Laboratory

Declamation | 10:00 AM | Multipurpose Hall

Interpretive Reading | 11:00 AM | Multipurpose Hall

English Language and Literature Quiz Bee | 12:30 PM| Room 210

Speech Choir | 04:00PM | Multipurpose Hall

Host A: Wait, there’s more! In addition to our seven student competitions, we will also have a seminar-conference for both our students and English teachers in the afternoon at around 01:00 PM. Yes, that will be held here, same venue.


Host A: Hmmm…I must say, this will be but a very exciting day for all of us!

Host B: So are you, guys, excited (to the audience)?

Host A: That’s not the energy. I can’t hear you! So are you guys really excited?

Host B: Now, that’s the energy! So guys, break a leg and let’s make this event a feather on your cap!

Host A: We shall see each other again around five in the afternoon for the awarding ceremony. The first competition, Extemporaneous Speech will start in a while.

[together] Thank you and good luck!

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