How To Install Stalker Mods

To install the mod through the manager, click 'Install' then find the mod in your Documents, select it, and click 'Open' or whatever the option is. You don't need to put the mod into any stalker. Download your mod and extract it (most of the time) using programs like winrar (you can use the trial version). Note that most of the time after you extract the mod you will have a file called gamedata, now open the file and copy the subfolders and then paste it into the gamedata file you created earlier. Jan 21, 2018 Old Good Stalker Evolution. Lots of innovative content, but mainly the important thign about the mod is how stable it is compared to other mods, and it comes out with different graphical effects to boot. I consider this myself one of my favorite mods ever to play out constantly, despite the bugs it likes to throw out in game.

  • 5Common Issues

Video Guide

Today i was update Core and Theme. I fixed some design errors in Frontend and Backend for admin mode. I reorganised structure web for future articles, update cosmetics etc. Continue checking our website, Anomaly mod and cheers 🙂 Still i need create some better thumbnails for articles.

This video gives visual examples for both 'Automatic / In-game Repository' and 'Manual' methods

In-Game Repository

This section is being updated

An in-game repository has been added in version 0.11 of the game.From there it's possible to browse and subscribe/download mods directly in-game.

(to be expanded soon..)

Installing Resources (Manual / .ZIP Method)

Download your mods from your preferred site. If from, you can use the orange 'Download' button.

Mods must be in a properly structured ZIP file.

Move the ZIP in User-Folder/mods. The User-Folder is by default located in Documents/

You can check where your is, from the Game Launcher > Manange User Folder menu.

The path is written at the bottom, and you can open it by clicking the Open in explorer button.

If you don't have a mods folder in that location, you can create one (the name of the folder cannot be different!)

Do not extract the content from the ZIP!


Where To Find New Content

In our Repositories :)

Common Issues

The mods I installed manually is not appearing in-game

Possible causes are:

  • The mod is installed in the wrong folder: A common mistake is installing the mod in the wrong place. Please make sure you have used the correct 'mods' folder and have not extracted the ZIP.
  • The mod may be packed wrongly: The mod is not packed with the correct folder structure. This is common for mods coming from third-party sites.

Stalker Mods

The mods I installed disappeared after an update

This can happen if the mods were installed in the wrong place, for example inside the Steam folder. Steam will wipe non-game files when updating games.

How To Install Stalker Mods

I don't see the Repository button in the main menu

Please check that you have 'Online Features' enabled in Options > Others. If disabled, the Repository button will not be shown.

How To Install Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl Mods

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