Wallap 6 Manual

Geosolve wallap user manual Download Geosolve wallap user manual Direct Link #1. 7 seconds, quick for this class. SANYO DO NOT OPEN Responsible party. 3 update to brick it. 323 Configuration Screen Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch Release 1. Essential for geotechnical professionals. 2D and 3D finite element software for geotechnical analysis of deformation and stability of soil structures.

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WALLAP version 6 Release Notes
Please try the downloadable demo version.

Propped and Cantilever Retaining Wall Analysis Program
WALLAP analyses a wide range of retaining walls including
Sheet pile walls, RC Diaphragm walls and Soldier Pile walls.
Its scope is very wide including: cantilever walls, anchored walls,
cut-and-cover construction, Integral Bridges, and seismic loading

Graphics,Hot Keys,Help

Key Features (Top)
  • Cantilever walls
  • Anchored walls
  • Strutted excavations
  • Sheet pile walls
  • RC Diaphragm walls
  • Soldier (King) Pile walls
  • Hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic water pressures. Automatic water pressure balancing option
  • Uniform or variable surcharges applied at or below ground level
  • Structural loads applied to the wall
  • Seismic analysis

  • Analysis options
  • Limit State analysis in accordance with Eurocode 7
  • Factor of Safety calculation in accordance with
    Eurocode 7 and BS 8002
  • Bending moments and wall displacements calculated by finite
    element analysis
  • Construction sequence and Berm excavation modelled
  • Soil arching and Soil-wall gap modelled
  • Non-linear elastic/plastic soil model
  • Fully automatic calculation of earth pressures

  • User Interface
  • Simple data input with interactive Help
  • Soil properties archive facility
  • Hot Keys for instant Help, Error reporting, Data plot and
    Summary output
  • Free choice of units
  • Graphical output of data and results
  • Fully documented

WALLAP is a powerful, fastand user-friendly program for analysing the stability of cantilevered andpropped retaining walls. WALLAP is suitable for the analysis of bothtemporary works, such as sheet pile walls, and permanent works suchas reinforced concrete diaphragm walls and contiguous bored pilewalls.

Factors of safety are computed according to standard codes ofpractice while wall displacements and bending moments are calculatedby a finite element analysis which models the actual sequence ofconstruction of the wall. Earth pressures are calculatedautomatically from basic soil properties.

Snes9x 1.39. The strata profile consistsof up to 100 soil types with hydrostatic or non-linearwater pressure distributions. Surcharges may be applied and removedwhile struts and anchors may be installed and removed. The program ismenu driven with context sensitive Help and on-line access to thecomprehensive User Manual giving detailed guidance on data input andinterpretation of results.

Methods of Analysis (Top)

WALLAP offers twoseparate types of analysis within the one program:
Limit Equilibrium Analysis
Calculation of Factors of Safety according to one of the
following methods:

  • BS 8002 (Burland-Potts)
  • Eurocode 7 (Strength factor method)
  • British Standard Code of Practice No.2
  • BSC Piling Handbook
Bending moment and Displacement Analysis
Modelling of the stage by stage development of forces and wallmovements as construction proceeds. The wall and soilare modelled as a beam and springs. Two spring models are available:
  • Subgrade reaction analysis (for routine design)
  • 2-D Finite element analysis (for a more rigorous approach)

Modelling the Construction Sequence (Top)

The following types ofconstruction activity may be specified and combined in any order soas to model the construction sequence:

  • Excavate (including berms)
  • Fill
  • Change water pressures
  • Install and remove struts or anchors
  • Apply and remove surcharges
  • Apply loads to the wall
  • Apply rotational restraints to the wall
  • Change soil properties
  • Change wall stiffness
  • Seismic loading

Soil Properties (Top)

A maximum of 100different soil types can be defined including:

  • Cohesive / cohesionless
  • Drained / undrained
  • Normally / over-consolidated
Soil strength is defined in terms of Ka, Kac, Kp, Kpc and cohesion.
There is a Help facility to derive Ka etc. from soil, wall frictionand backfill angles.
Soil stiffness is expressed in terms of Young's modulus and Poisson'sratio.
Optional soil properties include:
  • Linear variations of cohesion and modulus with depth.
  • Arching active behaviour
  • Simple non-linear elastic soil model

Struts and Anchors (Top)

Struts or anchors can beinstalled at up to 80 levels and may be pre-stressed. Struts can alsobe removed after installation.

Water Pressures (Top)

Hydrostatic ornon-hydrostatic Water Pressure Profiles may be defined on both sidesof the wall, to model a variety of complex conditions including:

  • Seepage
  • Submerged ground
  • Perched water tables
  • Uplift pressures under structures.
Automatic water pressure balancing option. This offersa convenient way of balancing water pressures at the toe ofthe wall by assuming a linear variation of piezometric head betweenthe water levels either side of the wall.

Surcharges (Top) Activar illustrator 2018 archivo amtlib.dll.


Surcharges can beapplied at or below ground level on the active or passive side of thewall. All surcharges are defined over a rectangular loaded area. Rampsurcharges can be defined i.e. Surcharge magnitude may vary linearlywith distance from the wall.

Loads and Restraints (Top)

Wallap Manual

Horizontal and moment loads may be applied to the wall. Rotational spring restraints may be applied at any elevation in order to model the effect of floor slabs which are built into the wall.

Data Input and Editing (Top)


Data entry is menudriven. Data values are checked for permissible ranges. A list ofdata Errors and Warnings is displayed if unacceptable orinappropriate data combinations are detected. Data can be checkedvisually at any time during data entry or editing.
Data may be entered in any consistent set of units e.g. (kN,m),(lb,feet). All print-out from the program is automatically annotatedin the appropriate units.

Output from the Program (Top)

Output from the program consists of the following:

  • Listing of input data
  • Output at selected stages of:
    - Factors of safety
    - Bending moments and shear forces
    - Wall pressures
    - Displacements
    - Strut/anchor forces
  • Summary output of:
    - Factors of Safety at each stage
    - Strut forces at each stage
    - Maximum/minimum bending moment and displacement at each stage
    - Cumulative bending moment and shear force envelopes
    - Cumulative displacement envelope
  • Output to an Excel spreadsheet
    - Tabulated results for selected stages can be sent to an .xls file

Graphics (Top)

Data and results aredisplayed in graphical form either on the screen or in hard copy.Graphical display of the data shows:

  • The soil profile,
  • Water pressure profiles,
  • Surcharges,
  • Applied loads/restraints,
  • Strut positions,
  • Boundary conditions.
Results are displayed in the form of:
  • Bending moment diagrams,
  • Shear force diagrams,
  • Wall pressure diagrams,
  • Wall displacement diagrams.

Hot Keys (Top)

Special Hot Keys giveinstant access to Help facilities, Error reporting, Data plotting(during edit) and Summary output (during analysis).

Wallap 6 Manual Transmission

Help (Top)

Help is provided at twolevels:- Press F1 at any time for context sensitive help on dataentry or current activity. Press Alt+H at any time to use the Help Index.Subjects covered include advice on the selection of values of earthpressure coefficients and soil modulus.

Hardware Requirements (Top)

WALLAP version 6 operateson all Windows systems. Program files occupy about 3Mb of diskspace. Operation of the program requires about 10Mb of RAM.

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