Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Yudhistira

40 Soal Ujian Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

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Sekolahbahasainggris– Anak-anak SD kelas 2 sangat membutuhkan banyak latihan soal untuk mengasah kemampuan skillnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu baik guru, orang tua maupun siswa dituntut untuk se-kreatif mungkin dalam mencari referensi soal bahasa Inggris.

Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan soal Ujian Semester 1 bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SD. Selamat mengerjakan Sahabat SBI!



Section 1.

  1. Choose the best and correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, or c!

Pilihlah Jawaban Yang benar dan terbaik dengan menyilang (X) a, b, atau c!

Text for number 1 to 5

My name is Tri. I am seven years old.
My father is Mr. Taadi, he is a mechanic
My mother is Mrs.Endang, she is an entrepreneur.
I have one sisters. She is Dewi.
I have one brother, he is Yusuf.
We are a happy family.

1. Who is Tri’s mother?
a.Mrs. Dewi
c.Mr. Taadi

2. What is Tri’s mother?

3. Who is Dewi? Dewi is Tri’s…

4. How many sisters does Tri have?
a. one
b. two
c. three

5. Is Mr.Taadi a mechanic?
a. Yes, she is
b. Yes, he is
c. No, he is not

6. We meet Mr.Sutrisno in the morning. We say …
a. Good afternoon
b. Good bye
c. Good morning

7. A :”……………………?”
B :”I’m fine, thank you.”
a. How old are you?
b. How are you?
c. Where do you live?

8. A :”Where do you live?”
B :”………………………….”
a. I live in Jalan Danau Towuti No.19
b. I’m fine, thank you
c. My name is Budi

9. I have two …. (telinga)
a. eyes
b. ears
c. nose

10. I have ten …. (jari kaki)
a. fingers
b. toes
c. cheeks

11. Eye is for …
a. seeing
b. hearing
c. walking

12. There are … days in a week.
a. five
b. six
c. seven

13. Before Thursday is …..
a. Wednesday
b. Thursday
c. Monday

14. We attend the flag ceremony on ….
a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Friday

15. The colors of our uniform of elementary are ….
a. White and Red
b. White and Blue
c. White and grey

16. The students in SDN 2 Surabaya are reading books in the ….
a. canteen
b. toilet
c. library

17. We are always study at………
a. School
b. Canteen
c. Park

18. Mrs. Ayu goes to school everyday to teach students. She is a ….
a. teacher
b. doctor
c. nurse

19. I eat pempek in the …
a. toilet
b. classroom
c. canteen

20. Which days after these: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ….
a. Friday
b. Wednesday
c. Thursday

Text for number 21 to 25

Going to the Zoo

This is holiday. Patrick and his family go to the zoo.
There are many kind of animals in the zoo. There are crocodile, elephants, mokeys, cats
deers, tigers, giraffe, horses, birds, lion and snake. In the zoo,
there are 3 elephants, eleven birds, two giraffes, two horses, 4 deers, 4 tigers and
nine gorillas. He is very glad to go to the zoo with
his family.

21. When does Patrick go to the zoo? On…..
a. holiday
b. Monday
c. now

22. With whom does Patrick go to the zoo?
a. his family
b. his teachers
c. her family

23. There are…..elephants in the zoo.

24. How many horses are in the zoo?
a. eight
b. two
c. ten

25. Patrick is very … to go to the zoo with her family.

26. …. likes to eat fish.

27. …. has two legs.

28. 6 + 5 = ….

29. 10 – 3= ….

30. 6 : 3 = ….
a. two
b. ten
c. eleven

Please match all the following question on the left to choice on the right side!

31. Monday
32. What is your name?
33. Three birds
34. Canteen
35. How old are you?
36. Where does she live?
37. Daughter
38. Ears
39. Eyes
40. Mother
b.Anak Perempuan
e.Tiga Burung
h.Siapa nama kamu?
i.Dimana dia (perempuan) tinggal?
j.Berapa umurmu?

Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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Text to number 1 - 7
My name is Laila. I am a girl. I am nine years old.
My mother is Mrs. Dina, she is a tailor. She is very beautiful.
My father is Mr. Budi, he is a teacher. He is good father.
I am very happy with my family. Because my father and my mother are really love me.
1. Who is in the text?
a. Budi
b. Dina
c. Laila
2. Who is Laila’s mother?
a. Mrs. Dina
b. Mrs. Sinta
c. Mrs. Beauty
3. Who is Laila’s father?
a. Mr. Dina
b. Mr. Budi
c. Mr. Teacher
4. Laila’s father is ....
a. A tailor
b. Beauty
c. A teacher
5. Laila’s mother is a ....
a. Good mother
b. A tailor
c. A teacher
6. Laila’s is very happy with ....
a. Her family
b. Her toys
c. Her books
7. Laila is ..... years old
a. Seven
b. Eight
c. Nine
8. Sigit : “What is your name?”
Aufa : “.....”
a. Thank you
b. My name is Aufa
c. Nice to meet you
9. Sinta : “How are you Siska?”
Siska: “.....”
a. My name is Siska
b. I am Siska
c. I am fine
10. Nita meet Mr. Rudi in the afternoon. Nita say ....
a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good evening
11. Good morning in Indonesian is ....
a. Selamat malam
b. Selamat siang
c. Selamat pagi

12. Saya punya dua mata
The english sentences is ....
a. I have two eyes
b. I have two nose
c. I have two teet
13. Telinga in english is ....
a. Nose
b. Face
c. Ear
14. I have ten ....
a. Nose
b. Finger
c. hair
15. Gajah itu besar
The english sentences is ....
a. The cow is big
b. The elephant is big
c. The sheep is big
The fruit name is ....
a. Banana
b. Aple
c. Pineapple

Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017

This is a ....

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Sd

a. Book
b. Table
c. Chair
18. Papan tulis itu kotor
The englis sentences is ....
a. The whiteboard is dirty
b. The whiteboard is clean
c. The whiteboard is beauty
19. I have green pencil
The Indonesian sentences is ....
a. Saya punya pensil merah
b. Saya punya pensil kuning
c. Saya punya pensil hijau
20. Buah jeruk in english is ....
a. BananaKelas
b. Orange
c. Pineapple
21. 3 + 17 = ....
a. Two
b. Twenty
c. Thirty
22. 20 - 14 = ....
a. Seven
b. Six
c. Five
23. N - U – C – E - L = ....
a. Cenul
b. Enclu
c. Uncle
24. F – I – U – R – T = ....
a. Trifu
b. Fruit
c. Rufit

Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

25. R – E - T – A - H – C – E – H = ....
a. Certainly
b. Theacher
c. My mother
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- > Soal Online UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2

1. Kakek in english is ....
2. I like pineapple. In Indonesia is saya suka ....
3. I have ..... ears.
4. The cow has .... legs.
5. Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ...
6. We have lunch in the ....
7. Warna kuning in english is ....
8. Good afternoon in Indonesian is ....
9. 32 + 13 = .......
10. T – R – E – H – O – M = .....

1. Translate into Indonesian language!
a. Mother
b. Father
c. Grandfather
d. Grandmother
Jawab: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Write 1- 10 numbers in english!
Jawab: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Translate into English language!
a. Hidung
b. Telinga
c. Ayam
d. Buku
Jawab: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Answer this quoestions!
a. What is your name?
b. How are you?
Jawab: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Arrane the words to good order!
a. U – Y - S – N – D - A
b. O – O – S – C – E - L – H
Jawab: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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-> Link Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2 Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban
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- > Soal Online UAS / UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2


1. c. Laila
2. a. Mrs. Dina
3. b. Mr. Budi
4. c. a teacher
5. b. A tailor
6. a. Her family
7. c. Nine
8. b. My name is Aufa
9. c. I am fine
10. b. Good afternoon
11. c. Selamat pagi
12. a. I have two eyes
13. c. Ear
14. b. Finger
15. b. The elephant is big

Download Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Erlangga

16. c. Pineaple
17. a. Book
18. a. The whiteboard is dirty
19. c. Saya punya pensil hijau
20. b. Orange
21. b. Twenty
22. b. Six
23. c. Uncle
24. b. Fruit
25. b. Theacher
1. Grandfather
2. Nanas
3. Two
4. Four
5. Monday
6. Afternoon
7. Yellow
8. Selamat siang
9. Five
10. Mother
1. Translate into Indonesian language!
a. Mother = Ibu
b. Father = Ayah
c. Grandfather = Kakek
d. Grandmother = Nenek
2. 1 - 10 numbers in english :
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six
- Seven
- Eight
- Nine
- Ten
3. Translate into English language :
a. Hidung = Nose

Download Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Penerbit Erlangga

b. Telinga = Ear
c. Ayam = Chicken
d. Buku = Book
4. Answer this quoestions :
a. What is your name? = My name is .....
b. How are you? = I am fine / I am Ok
5. Arrane the words to good order :

Buku Bahasa Inggris Sd

a. U – Y - S – N – D - A = Sunday

Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Erlangga

Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

b. O – O – S – C – E - L – H = School

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